

周五在斯台普斯中心的对决中,快船队将休斯顿火箭队球星,常年 mvp 候选人詹姆斯 · 哈登仅得到28分。 这比他本赛季的平均得分低了10分。 洛杉矶主教练道格 · 里弗斯在赛后说,他喜欢他的球队在哈登身上的整体防守,哈登在11月同快船的两场比赛中平均得到42分。

能够战胜快船,这很大程度上还要归功于休斯顿阵容中另一个球员——威少。 拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克得到了赛季最高的40分,还抓下了10个篮板。

The biggest run they made was when James went out. That was with a bunch of guys on the floor and Russ. And Russ decided, ‘I’m taking this game over.’ And all the other role players played their role for him. They did a great job.

We talked about that this morning, when James goes out of the game, Russ becomes ‘Oklahoma Russ,’ and we didn’t handle it very well.


We give so much attention to Harden that we forget the other MVP that’s on their team. You’ve got to respect him and play him the right way.

"我们对哈登的关注太多了,以至于忘记了他们队里的另一个MVP。你必须尊重他,用正确的方式对待他。"里弗斯说。在没有哈登的时候,韦斯特布鲁克表现出他自己也有能力领导一支球队, 里弗斯表示同意: 威少改变了比赛。
