

Middleton on free agency and where he doesn't want to live: "I would say Cleveland's kinda tough place to go right now. They're struggling right now so I'm going to keep pouring in the salt and say Cleveland for right now"

米德尔顿谈自由球员市场以及他最不想去的球队:“这很难选择,但是我会说骑士现在对于球员们是一个非常艰难的城市,他们现在保守挣扎所以如果要我现在回答这个问题我会说是骑士 。”


[–][CLE] Mark Price2mnykitehs 834 points 1 day ago

I don't blame Middleton for not wanting to play here right now. He struggled through the dark days of the Bucks and is finally seeing the team turn it around. If I were him, the last thing I would want would be to start that whole processes over again.


[–][MIL] Sidney MoncriefRoniMaybach 246 points 1 day ago

Right, i think hes talking more about the situation cleveland is in than the city itself.


[–][CLE] Mark Price2mnykitehs 97 points 1 day ago

Yeah, he said winning is important and location isn't.



[–][LAL] Lonzo BallDJofDemise 3269 points 1 day ago

Remember when IT straight up said Cleveland was a shithole LMAO


[–]klawhileonard 588 points 1 day ago

Ainge remembers.


[–]WestTalentagentfriend 485 points 1 day ago

So did Joakim Noah.


[–]Bucks--II 154 points 1 day ago

It must make Cavs fans feel better that Noah turned into an expensive, useless pile of garbage a few years later.


[–]WarriorsHanlonsRazors 241 points 1 day ago

I mean “expensive” just means Noah is getting paid so that’s not really bad for him


[–]Knicksrealistweirdist 128 points 1 day ago

Yea and hes been pretty good for the grizzlies this season honestly so i wouldnt even call him useless either. We were dumb for giving him a huge contract, can't blame him for accepting it lol.



[–]KarlAnthonyMarx 1616 points 1 day ago

Yeah and a bunch of people with Cavs flair were like “Cleveland isn’t a shit hole, they have restaurants and hospitals” lol


[–][ATL] Paul MillsapJfklikeskfc 341 points 1 day ago

Honestly as somebody who visited Cleveland last year to watch game 3 vs the warriors I thought it was a really nice city. Then again I’m comparing it to Atlanta so maybe that’s not saying much


[–]Bignigkfc 140 points 1 day ago

Atlanta's nice, the problem is the rest of Georgia


[–][CLE] Joe HarrisWeiter_den_Kampf 178 points 1 day ago

It really is. As someone who has lived in other big cities (Chicago, dallas) cleveland is the first one that made me think about settling down there. It gets a lot of shit but it's a nice place to call home


[–][GSW] Baron Davisobvious_bot 106 points 1 day ago

My girlfriend is currently in grad school in Cleveland and I was actually surprised at how much I liked the city when I visit her. I wouldn’t want to live there but it’s super cheap and got a few cool areas


[–]76erschoccychippancakes 635 points 1 day ago

rip cavs fans



[–]Raptorsjps78 902 points 1 day ago

They have a championship. I bet they don't give a fuck lmao


[–]CavaliersRayWhelans 499 points 1 day ago

Can confirm. Don’t give a shit. We’ve heard it for years now. We got a ring. Don’t care.


[–]RaptorsNavinAlgoo 298 points 1 day ago

A ring from the prodigal son of Ohio, you guys should be proud, your win was like a movie.


[–][TOR] Pascal Siakamdolphinboy1637 148 points 1 day ago

I'm almost certain someone will make an actual movie out of it one day.



[–]FraankHD 321 points 1 day ago

I live in NYC and went to Cleveland a bunch. I don’t get the hate. It’s really not a terrible city lol


[–]ThunderMidwest__Misanthrope 418 points 1 day ago

a lot of people think any city in middle America is automatically shit


[–]klawhileonard 247 points 1 day ago

Y’all ever see someone go on vacation in Cleveland



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